How Summer Affect Your Roof

While winter is easily the harshest season for your roof to handle, summer can cause its own set of issues as well. Even though summer may be the “off season” for your roof handling the worst that mother nature has to throw at it, mother nature never fully takes her foot off the throttle.

1. Summer Storms: 

This may be the most obvious reason out of everything that your roof has to deal with. Thunderstorms that roll through during the summer can be serious and often lead to leads for thousands of homeowners across New England. Also, don’t forget about hail too!

2. Falling Tree: 

Lightning, high winds, and the occasional tornado in New England lead to a lot of downed trees. Rather than cutting back trees around your house, there is little that you can do from a roofing perspective to protect yourself.

3. Less Common Roof Threats: 

  • UV Rays
  • Heat
  • Thermal Shock
  • High Humidity

Roofs are built to handle the summer heat here in New England but that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel any strain during these months. You dont think humidity could have any impact on your roof but hot and humid air can actually be damaging because the condensation can lead to water damage and mold growth! Also how can simple heat impact your roof? If your attic isn’t properly ventilated, heat will build up and can cause condensation under your roof as well!

There are so many things out there that you don’t think about but it really just shows the importance of when you work with a contractor, making sure they are established and that they are good at what they do. So often we see homeowners get roofs from inexperienced people and it leads to a whole range of issues years down the line. And then at that point, they try to reach the roofer and he’s already fled the area.

Protecting your roof against the summer heat and all conditions that mother nature has to throw at it starts from the installation. Brown Bros Roofing has been installing roofs for hundreds of years and we use only the best materials in the industry.

For more information on Brown Bros Roofing, please feel free to reach out. Our team can be contacted over the phone at 781-329-2895 or through our online contact form.