How to Prevent Ice Dams on Your Roof

Ice dams are a leading cause of roof damage to New England homes each year. What are ice dams? An ice dam is a pocket of ice that can form at the edge of your roof and prevents melted snow from properly draining off the roof. This is caused by air in the attic warming snow on the roof and the melted snow running down the roof and refreezing. The water that is unable to properly drain can cause leaks, mold growth, and damage to the interior of your home. Luckily there are a few things homeowners can do to help prevent the formation of ice dams on their roofs.
Here are the things you should know about preventing ice dams:
Increase Attic Ventilation
One of the first things you should do to prevent ice dams from forming is increase the ventilation in your attic. This helps to regulate the attic temperature and prevents pockets of heat from getting trapped in the attic. By increasing ventilation you allow for there to be a clear path for the air to flow throughout the attic. Depending how old your home is you may need professional help to aid you in increasing the ventilation in your attic.
Seal off Leaks
Sealing off air leaks in the attic with caulk is an effective way to help prevent ice dams from forming on your roof. Anywhere that wires, pipes, or cables causing penetration between your attack and roof is a place that could have a potential air leak. By filling these cracks with caulk you are are able to better regulate the temperature of your attic which will help prevent ice dams from forming.
Inspect Heating Ducts
Ensure all the ducts in your attic are properly sealed as well as insulated. Older homes can have a tendency to have excess heat in the attic. If there is excess heat in the attic it will contribute to the formation of ice ducts. If you have an older home it is best to check these ducts throughout the winter as a preventative measure.
Maintain Your Roof
One of the most effective ways to prevent ice dams is to maintain the condition of your roof. Noticing damaged shingles or sun damage? It is best to consult with professionals at the first signs of damage your roof so it can be repaired before the problem spreads. If your roof is damaged it will contribute to the formation of ice dams which will only cause more damage in the long run. Our team at Browns Bros Roofing is equipped to repair your roof and make it weather safe. Explore our roof repair services if your roof is in need of maitnence work.
Securing your home against the harsh New England elements isn’t easy. It is crucial to take the preventative measures listed above in order to protect your home from the winter weather. Lucky for you our team at Browns Bros Roofing is here to help! Check out our services to see how we can help defend your home from the elements this season.