10 Home Improvement Projects for Summer

Home improvement is something that can be done all year round, but there’s something about warmer weather and brighter days that brings extra motivation to get it done! Spring cleaning is a common concept, so now it’s time to focus on home improvement projects that are perfect for summer. 

Clean the Gutters 

Ideally, you should clean your gutters in the spring. If it didn’t quite get checked off your to-do list, don’t fret! Put gutter cleaning at the top of your summer list to ensure you have proper water drainage from your roof and away from the home. Hire a professional if you’re worried about climbing on a ladder to do it yourself. 

Upgrade Your Fans 

Did you know that outdated ceiling fans could be causing you higher heating and cooling bills? Good ceiling fans help to circulate air around the home so the AC doesn’t have to run as often. If your ceiling fans are outdated, summer is the best time to make the switch for a great return on investment. 

Improve Window Coverings 

The window coverings on your windows play an important role in keeping hot hair out and cold air in. Switch to blackout curtains or UV-resistant blinds for an affordable and easy change that will make a big difference to the comfort of your home’s interior. Even consider investing in new windows.

Invest in a New Thermostat 

Smart thermostats that connect to your phone are the latest trend in home heating and cooling. Having a smart thermostat allows you to control the temperature even when you’re not home, reducing the amount of unnecessary time your AC runs when no one is home. 

Change Your AC Filter 

Change the filter in your HVAC system at the start of summer, and every 2 to 3 months throughout the year. This works to improve air quality and the efficiency of your HVAC system. 

Clean the Siding 

Cleaning the siding on your home will instantly give your home a facelift. You’ll get to enjoy better curb appeal and have a home you’re proud to call yours! Hire a professional to power wash the siding for the best results. 

Plant New Trees 

Planting trees that provide extra shade around your home is something that you’ll get to enjoy for years to come! Speak with a landscaping expert to determine what trees will grow the best in your yard and where exactly they should be planted. 

Declutter Your Home 

Declutter the areas of your home that you avoid at all costs, even during spring cleaning. Closets, junk drawers, and cabinets are some of the most common areas that accumulate junk. 

Clean the Windows

Set aside a couple of hours to clean the inside and outside of all of the windows in your home. This can be done using window cleaner and paper towels. Most newer windows swing in for easy cleaning access! 

Add a Photo Wall 

Gather your favorite family photos and choose unique frames to create a photo wall. This wall will bring personality to the space and truly make it feel like home!

If you need an extra hand with any of these home improvement projects this summer or others on your list, contact Brown Bros Roofing today!