Choosing a Roofing Material

The roof of your home is paramount to the protection and appearance of your home. Choosing the correct material for your particular roof has many factors. In the Northeast, especially, there is the weather for the roof to deal with. Summers come with extreme weather, and winters can come with brutal cold and heavy snow. You’ve got to have a high-quality and durable roofing material that’s able to stand up to the elements year after year. If you’re considering a new roof for your home, it’s best to know your options. Check out some of the most popular roofing options below. 

Asphalt Shingles

The most common roofing material in New England for a good reason is asphalt shingles. They are so popular because of their lightweight and durable nature. A roof deck is placed down prior to installing the roof, which helps asphalt shingles to hold snow and ice when needed in the winter. Because asphalt shingles are so popular and have been around so long, there have been so many different styles developed. With the help of an experienced roofing contractor, an asphalt roof will last about 25 years. It’s an affordable material that is popular for its uniform look and quality protection without breaking the bank. Take a look around your neighborhood, odds are that most homes have asphalt roofs. They’re the gold standard for a reason!

Slate Roofing

Slate roofing shingles are engineered from slate stone. They’re a very common roofing material used in New England because they offer a beautiful and timeless look. They offer some of the best protection against fire due to their construction of stone. When properly maintained, slate roofs can last 50-100 years. It’s a great look for classic Massachusetts homes. It is a heavier roofing material, so it needs sturdy roofing supporting, but slate can be an excellent investment. 

Rubber Roofing

Rubber roofing is one of the more common materials for commercial buildings. It is sometimes used on garages and other residential buildings as well. It is used for flat roofing applications and offers great protection against the weather. 

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is becoming an increasingly popular roofing material for its extreme strength and durability. It is lighter than slate roofing and offers similar protection. Metal roofs can be complicated to install and maintain, making them somewhat limited. Poor installations can make metal roofs look cheap. The installation costs are typically higher for metal roofing compared to the other roofing options mentioned. 

Contact our team at Brown Bros Roofing today to learn more about the roofing services that we offer. We provide asphalt, slate, and rubber roofing for homeowners interested in replacing their roof.